The rest of the world sucks more than you. 

You disappoint me. You push me down. You make me feel empty. That the things I care about don’t matter. I make these realizations.

Then the life happens. And I realize – everyone else sucks more than you do.

And I only want to talk about it with you. 

i am only a sliver of his life, but he is my whole world.

in those few moments, in that sliver of his world, I am his entire world. I matter more than anything. But during the rest of the time i don’t matter, he wouldn’t even recognize me on the street.

i don’t doubt that he loves me, but is it just not enough? am i not enough? but i only exist to him in a fleeting moment.  he is so much a part of me and my world and i am merely a blip on his.


my expectations are my enemy.

they let me down over and over again. and i continue to fall for them – they lure me in with sunshine and happiness only to let me fall into an abyss.

an abyss of self-loathing and darkness. of being let down by the one person that i thought understood me. loved me. but once again, the possibilities fall out of line. this is not a fairy tale. this is not a happily ever after. and my anticipation knows that – harness it and fosters it – and uses it against me.

just like every year, my sunny childhood built up a possibility of glee and delight. only to come crashing down around me. and i only have myself to blame.

my maturity and years don’t help to squash the dreams of the possibilities.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”